Chunyin Siu (Alex) is a postdoctoral scholar in the Brain Dynamics Lab, led by Prof. Mannish Saggar, at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He specializes in topological data analysis and its application in analyzing neuroimaging data.
He got his PhD degree in Applied Mathematics at Cornell University under the supervision of Prof. Gennady Samorodnitsky. Before that, he got this MPhil. degree in Mathematics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Prof. Ronald (Lokming) Lui.
He is a Croucher fellow (2024) and scholar (2019), and a Youde scholar (2018).
Scroll down for the Teaching, Mentorship, and Personal sections.
Research and Publications
Applied Topology
- The Topological Behavior of Preferential Attachment Graphs (Submitted)
- Betti Numbers of Preferential Attachment Complexes
- Detection of Small Holes by the Scale-Invariant Robust Density-Aware Distance (RDAD) Filtration
Computational Geometry
- Decomposition of Longitudinal Deformations via Beltrami Descriptors
- Image Segmentation with Partial Convexity Shape Prior Using Discrete Conformality Structures
- Geometry and Laplacian on Discrete Magic Carpets
- An Elementary Approach on Left-Orderability, Cables of Torus Knots and Dehn Surgery
- J. Li, and C. Siu (alphabetical order)
- arxiv
Talks and Presentations
- Mar 23, 2024: Mid-Atlantic Topology Conference (poster), Northeastern University
- “Topology of Scale-Free Complexes – Homology and Homotopy”
- poster
- Mar 8, 2024: Data Science and Applied Topology Seminar (invited), City University of New York
- “Homology and Homotopy Properties of Scale-Free Complexes”
- slides
- Feb 16, 2024: Hot Topics in Data Science (invited), University at Buffalo
- “Detecting Weak Topological Signals in Noisy Environments”
- slides
- Feb 9, 2024: University of Florida Topological Data Analysis conference (invited). University of Florida
- “Homology and Homotopy Properties of Scale-Free Networks”
- slides
- Feb 9, 2023: Topology Seminar (invited), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- “Topological Data Analysis and Scale-Free Networks”
- slides
- Dec 6, 2023: Topology Seminar (invited), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- “Topological Data Analysis and Scale-Free Networks”
- slides
- Nov 17, 2023: Northeast Probability Seminar, New York University
- “Asymptotics of Expected Betti Numbers of Preferential Attachment Clique Complexes”
- slides
- Nov 12, 2023: Binghamton University Graduate Combinatorics, Algebra and Topology (BUGCAT 2023), Binghamton University
- “Betti Numbers of Preferential Attachment Flag Complexes”
- slides
- Nov 3, 2023: Applied Topology Seminar (invited; virtual), Oxford University
- “The Expected Betti Numbers of Preferential Attachment Clique Complexes”.
- slides
- Nov 1, 2023: Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network (AATRN) Online Seminar (invited; virtual)
- “The Asymptotics of the Expected Betti Numbers of Preferential Attachment Clique Complexes”.
- slides
- Sep 29, 2023: Computation Persistence Workshop
- “The Asymptotics of the Expected Betti Numbers of Preferential Attachment Clique Complexes – Theory and Computational Challenges”.
- slides
- Sep 27, 2023: Probability Seminar (invited), Purdue University
- The Topology of Preferential Attachment Graphs
- slides
- Sep 20, 2023: Seminario Doctorado, Actividad del Programa de Doctorado “Mathematicas” (invited), University of Seville
- The Topology of Preferential Attachment
- slides
- Sep 14, 2023: Probability and Applications Seminar (invited), Queen Mary University of London
- The Topology of Preferential Attachment Graphs
- slides
- Aug 6, 2023: Joint Statistics Meetings 2023
- Discovery of Small Dense Topological Features from Dataset
- slides
- Jun 8, 2023: Geometry and Topology meet Data Analysis and Machine Learning 2023
- The Many Holes of Preferential Attachment”
- slides
- Mar 22, 2023: Randomness in Topology and its Applications (IMSI workshop)
- “Betti Numbers of Preferential Attachment Complexes” (poster).
- poster
- Feb 26, 2023: Finger Lakes Probability Seminar
- “Expected Betti Numbers of Preferential Attachment Complexes”
- slides
- Nov 17, 2022: Morse Theory Seminar for Cornell Graduate Students
- Introduction to Discrete Morse Theory
- Nov 6, 2022: Binghamton University Graduate Combinatorics, Algebra and Topology (BUGCAT 2022)
- Detection of Small Cycles in Data by the Scale-Invariant Robust Density-Aware Distance (RDAD) Filtration
- slides
- Oct 22, 2022: 3rd Upstate New York Topology Seminar (UNYTS 3)
- Detection of Small Cycles in Data by the Scale-Invariant Robust Density-Aware Distance (RDAD) Filtration
- slides
- Jun 20, 2022: Algebraic Topology: Methods, Computation and Science 10 (ATMCS 10)
- Detection of Small Topological Features by the Scale-FInvariant Robust Density-Aware Distance (RDAD) Filtration (Poster)
- poster
- Mar 8, 2022: Olivette Club
- Topological Data Analysis: Klein Bottles and How Cornellians Find Them in Data
- slides
Resources for Learning
Undergraduate Mentorship
If you are interested in doing an undergradate reading / research project, send me an email!
Resources for Research
- Mathematical talks
- Mathematical writing
- Coding skills
- Coding tutorials
- Data management
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities
I am from Hong Kong. I would be really happy if you greet me with “zou sun” and “ng on” (Good morning and Good afternoon in Cantonese).
My favorite author is Dostoyevsky; favorite TV show, Taskmaster. Need to balance the heaviness and the lightness.
I am mostly an indoor guy, but Ithaca has made me more active. Picked up hiking and ice-skating here. Try to catch me at a trail or in the rink.